Is the time right to invest in LED lighting?
Tungsten lighting has been the main light source in performance spaces for as long as most of us can remember. However, with LED lighting offering more creativity and as world events impact the availability and price of tungsten lighting, is it time for an LED lighting upgrade?
The supply chain is rapidly changing
A combination of the increase in popularity of LED lights and world events has resulted in manufacturers not producing as many lamps as they used to or discontinuing them entirely. For example, the CP60 lamp, whilst once produced by most manufacturers, is becoming increasingly difficult to source. Therefore, tungsten lamps, once easy to get hold of and affordable will become scarce and more expensive.
The rise of energy costs
The price of electricity has risen by unprecedented amounts over the past year and is predicted to rise further. LED lights are far more efficient than tungsten. A recent report created in conjunction with the European Regional Development Fund stated, “LED fittings are available that are likely to reduce your energy consumption by around 80%”. The initial investment of replacing your tungsten lighting fixtures with LED could be paid back quicker now than ever before, due to the rising cost of energy.
A helping hand for the environment
As we’re all trying to do our best for the environment, LED lighting is a huge step forward. Not only do they use considerably less electricity, but the light sources also typically last a lot, lot longer.
Stage Electrics are here for you
Stage Electrics are more than just a supplier. We’re here to help you in every way we can, from discussing your challenges to advising which course of action may suit you best. Our Venue Services team can inspect and test your existing infrastructure ahead of the transition from tungsten to LED lighting and advise on any compliance issues you may need to address.
We stock and supply a wide range of LED lighting fixtures by several leading manufacturers, our Product Sales team are on hand to offer advice and suggestions based on your requirements. Our Projects team can specify and install any changes required to your power and data infrastructure and you transition to LED lights.
As a Stage Electrics customer, you’ll always have our support.
If you’d like to talk to us about LED lighting, please call us on 03330 142 100, email sales@stage-electrics.co.uk or contact your Stage Electrics Account Manager.